This week's episode is about the ethical implications of emerging technologies. We live in an era of rapid technological advancement. From genetic engineering to artificial intelligence to biotechnology, these technologies are reshaping our world in profound ways. But with these advancements come complex ethical dilemmas. So. as science and technology continue to advance, it's crucial to explore the impact of these technologies on our society and discuss the ethical dilemmas they present.
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Love that you touched on the racism that has been built into some modern tech. There has been a great deal of tech that effects all of us but is deeply flawed due to using the average white male body as baseline... from crash test dummies to BMI measurements. When you start to get more intersectional the picture gets a whole lot uglier and more dangerous. See: Dr Adam Rutherford for some detail on epigenetics and ongoing influence of eugenics fallacies.
GMO and farming is interesting. Bill Gates seems, to many people, quite philanthropic in his desire to spread certain techonology into the Global South. He has been pushing modern western farming practice into Africa and South Asia. Have a look at the response from figures such as Vandana Shiva. It is important to question what form modern western colonialism takes. It has always and still is deeply insidious. Big corp influence destroying small independent agriculture and controlling seeds - the basics for food production. But, Shiva also has something very beautiful and spiritual to say about Gates' 'white saviour' plan to eliminate traditional farming practice in India. The body of the human, the cow pulling the plough and the body of the earth (Gaia) are deeply connected and in equal unison working together. I think there is a definite section of the younger generations who are learning about and seeking out older skills and practices that will connect them back to nature and the planet they are a part of and not 'controllers' of.