Like all Forums we need to have a rule book to avoid issues and limit misunderstandings, so here's ours!
1. You must be open to new ideas and ways of thinking.
2. No porn or bad language please- yes I know that seems like a redundant thing to say but trust me, I've seen it happen elsewhere lol.
3. No abuse of others. Especially the admin. We have shy retiring personalities and we don't like it.
4. No promoting other websites without checking with us first- we are trying to create a family of like minded thinkers and do-ers. Oh and no stealing members. Sorry, but this website etc is a lot of work and we need to make it work or our partners will want to know what it was all about!
5. Please feel free to promote your ideas and thinking here on live, the universe and nearly everything, especially if it's learning & education, business & work, community & society, science, technology and environmental.
6. Have fun but know when fun is bordering on harassment or bullying.
7. Love and respect each other even when they have a different viewpoint.