UFOs? Kennedy? Man on the Moon? 9/11? Elvis? Alien reptilians controlling us from another dimension? Knights of the Templar? The Illuminati? MH370? Everyone has their favourite conspiracy theory- even people who say they don't believe in conspiracies will then float an opinion on something conspiratorial. But what if there really is a conspiracy at the heart of everything we do today? What if modern life itself is a conspiracy designed to keep the masses under control and power in the hands of a few? What if all the other conspiracies are merely distractions to hide the truth that we are all victims of a subtle mind control that keeps us firmly in our place?
The focus of this Forum, and a new book being researched as I type, is all about taking Occam's Razor to the most commonly held conspiracy theories to separate fact from fiction so we can, finally, start to see the real truth about the world in which we live today.

Just watching the Bad Faith podcast with a US historian on. Ep called: What the Truth Behind the RFK Assassination tells us. 😮 I didn't know anything about this. This is why people are fascinated with MKUltra.